Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Thomas Kalorama Speaks

Thomas Kalorama Said:

I am back ...and I no longer wish to be cold, afraid or Sick.

I was not learning to juggle -- I was ... learning to cope and to die with grace and dignity. I failed in all regards. So, I guess I am back to instead numb the pain and blunt the confusion by reacting violently to life and screaming. I hope to be able to scream loud enough to: (i) eventually become deaf and therefore free from the disturbing things I hear; and/or (ii) to raise the decible level of the mass primal scream until it eclipses the noise of idiots, industry and money.

I want to live in a treehouse ...

Note to Mr. Forest -- simply stringing together oddly related words/concepts/ideas or adjective does not necessarily make for interesting reading. David Letterman started this unfortunate trend ... it works well for him.

I may have something to say soon.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Reintroducing Thomas Kalorama

My partner in this enterprise, Mr. Thomas Kalorama, has been noticeably absent. That is because he has spent the past six months living in a Montgomery, Alabama self storage facility trying to teach himself how to juggle. Finally, the money ran out, the talent was simply not there, and Mr. Kalorama has returned to civilization to do what he does best, to rail against the man. A little more bitter, a little more brazen, a little more humble, a little less of a pussy. Welcome back, cornhole.