Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Facebook Friends

About 4 years ago, I got into the blogger.com gig, and started writing stuff. The vision was that my buddy, Jeff White, would also contribute, and there would be some crazy banter back and forth. Mr. White has contributed 2 very excellent posts in this blog, but he pretty much abandoned his deal with me. Thus, this avenue was merely a way for me to amuse myself, because nobody read it. But I would infrequently write something, think it funny, and then in future years, I could go back a re-read and get a big ol' kick out of myself.

I have recently re-read all of my postings. Some are funny, some are insane, some are offensive, one uses the N word in an illustrative way (not in an noun/adjective/descriptive/offensive sort of way). Because I had forgot about most of them, it was like reading things for the first time, and I was pretty entertained by a lot of the stuff here. And I think you might be as well. And if folks are reading, then I'll do more writing, and there are an awful lot of crazy things in my head that ought to be put down on paper, or cyberpaper, for what will eventually be a criminal investigation.

Thanks for clicking, enjoy the following, and don't hold back comments.

You may be right, I may be crazy, but it might just be a lunatic you're looking for.

Billy Joel


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