Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Today, the democrats started their 100 hours of futility, and passed some business about port security. Excellent. Tomorrow, they will hide, waiting for the New Iraq Plan to be leaked, and then Thursday, they will start shitting on it.

Remember Colin Powell and the Pottery Barn rule? You break it, you bought it. We have fucked Iraq up beyond belief because of arrogance, stupidity, greed, obstinence, politics and economics. If we were to leave now, that would be a crime greater than the invasion itself. We didn't promise a civil war when we invaded, we promised a stable democracy. We cannot exit until they have hope of civility. Having taken the first step of deposing and executing their President, our moral obligation is clear - a stable Iraq.

For a stable Iraq to emerge, the recommendations of the panel must be listened to. But they don't match with what our boychild president was told, so he's confused. That's why his daddy got Gates in there, to provide some adult leadership and get us out of this mess.

Nancy Pelosi voted against giving little George the permission to go after Saddam. Not many of her colleagues did. Therefore, the democrats share some culpability in the mess that Iraq has become. 20/20 hindsight should not be a ticket for Iraq becoming a third world country.

Pelosi needs to take responsibility for her party's culpability in Iraq, and she needs to vow to see it through. We can't leave tomorrow, but we can change our focus to training the Iraqi army to do what our soldiers and marines are currently doing. And the only way to do that is to send a shit-ton of people into the area to train, not fight.

The other thing we have to avoid is stupidity. This conflict has confused our military so much that a bulk of the $100 billion annual tab is to position our troops to fight this fight for the next twenty years. Was this a stupid mistake not to be repeated, or is the wave of the future for the United States? Despite Bush's rebuke in November 2006, the military is shaping itself to fight like we fight in Iraq and Afghanistan. And it's not cheap, and it's not smart, as we won't get ourselves into an Iraq-like situation for at least another generation. But we can't tell the military that, because they have to react, so they over-react. A huge bulk of the cost of this war is for the Army and the Marine Corps to change the way they fight, to meet the challenges in Iraq.

So, new democrats, don't crap on the President's plan to increase troops in Iraq. They are there to train and equip, so that we might someday leave with a good conscience. You need to scrutinise the future plans that make each service more like the other, with the Army trying to become more expidtionary and the Marine Corps trying to become more able to handle lengthier engagements.

That is the first place you can make a difference, but you won't, because you will fear the backlash of not supporting the troops, so we will waste about 25billion on shit we don't need because you are scared. good luck.

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